Collaboration, curiosity, serendipity, and a labor of love has led to the discovery of rare footage of Chevalier Jackson delivering a version of his famous “Chalk Talk” lectures on safe techniques for foreign body removal. Working together with Dr. Mike Rothschild, Former President of the ABEA, and with the permission of Chevalier Jackson’s great-grandson, Frank Bugbee, who also arranged to produce a digitized version of the films, we’ve made this astonishing footage public and viewable via the ABEA website. The films along with a contextualizing essay on how we came to discover the films and their significance for medical, cultural, and film history can be accessed by clicking on the link for “Our Founder Speaks,” or, by going directly to this site. It is certainly possible that other films with soundtracks featuring Jackson’s lectures and demonstrations are extant, and we hope this will serve as a spur to their re-discovery.